We set up a 360-degree survey measuring Team Climate and Leadership Styles (based on research by the Korn Ferry Institute) for the CEO, Executive Team and the remaining leaders/managers in the organisation (30 in total). We wanted to better understand the team climate.
Upcoming Event – Leading with Care, Purpose, and Resolve During Uncertain Times
Catherine Thomson of The Houston Exchange is a licensed practitioner with EBW Global. In this workshop, she will be using the EBW Global Emotional Intelligence System, a unique assessment and development tool. Based on over 20 years of research and worldwide use, it enables individuals and teams to understand why they behave the way they do and to use a 10-step framework to help to improve operational performance.
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The client had set an ambitious strategic agenda, and it was clear that they needed to shift from an operationally focused organisation into one which was absolutely customer-focused. The strategic goals placed significant emphasis on improved performance, improved quality of service, increased customer satisfaction and revenue growth.
application, assessment, based, behaviour, benefits, business, change, coaching, content, conversations, creating, delivered, design, development, edinburgh, element, employees, endorsement, engagement, exchange, existing, houston, impact, increase, individual, leadership, learners, learning, line, managers, measured, model, module, napier, organisation, practice, process, programme, providing, ps, reflect, resulting, return, roi, skills, strategic, support, university, value, workplaceCase Study – Leadership Delivered
We believe that every conversation in the organisation is an opportunity to lead. In recognition of the significance of leadership conversations, all our coaches are accredited to work with the theories and tools of Structural Dynamics; a theory of face-to-face communication pioneered by Dr David Kantor.
achieving, aligned, approach, behaviours, believe, bring, business, capabilities, challenge, change, client, coaching, conversations, created, deliver, delivery, design, development, difference, engagement, focus, highly, identify, impact, investment, key, leadership, learners, learning, life, measure, mindsets, model, option, organisation, performance, practice, programme, reflect, results, return, roi, skills, support, sustained, track, trust, underpinned, work, workplaceAnnouncement of Irish/Scottish Collaboration for “Leadership Delivered” An Award Winning Leadership Development Programme
The Houston Exchange, Aristo and TalkBack, three boutique consulting companies are joining forces to create a Celtic partnership delivering leadership development that accelerates organisational performance.
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