We believe that every conversation in the organisation is an opportunity to lead. In recognition of the significance of leadership conversations, all our coaches are accredited to work with the theories and tools of Structural Dynamics; a theory of face-to-face communication pioneered by Dr David Kantor.
Leadership Agility (with emphasis on team)
We believe that with the guidance of top executives, agile leaders can be developed internally. By identifying and developing high-potential talent, your business can improve its ability to deliver strategic priorities. Having an agile leader on the team takes the company from good to great. Your leaders are focused, confident and driven to lead.
action, agility, assessment, behaviours, better, bility, business, change, complex, conditions, context, create, creative, development, effective, environment, executives, expecting, experiment, feedback, generated, identify, improve, initiatives, insights, lead, leaders, leadership, level, managers, needs, novel, objectives, organisation, performance, priorities, process, rapid, report, senior, stakeholder, step, strategic, takes, talent, team, tool, understand, undertake, viewWhat is Leadership Agility?
We use the Leadership Agility Accelerator™ and the Leadership Agility 360 ™ tools which are based on research undertaken by Bill Joiner and Stephen Josephs resulting in their award-winning book, Leadership Agility.
ability, action, agility, behaviour, best, bill, change, co, conversations, create, cthomson, designed, develop, discussions, email, environment, executives, expect, gain, help, honest, houstonexchange, identify, impact, important, improve, increase, initiatives, joiner, larger, leaders, leadership, leading, level, manage, organization, patterns, perspective, please, practices, psychological, relationship, select, start, step, team, tm, tools, undertaken, workWorking with the Shadow Side of Leadership
When under constant pressure to deliver, achieve more with less, and carry the can when things go wrong, it is easy to forget the intense pressure leaders are experiencing today. This is costing organisations dearly in financial and human terms and it’s not sustainable. In fact, recent studies tell us that up to 75% of office workers are struggling to be productive. If that were a medical condition, it would be classed as an epidemic. […]
act, affected, behaviour, believe, better, boosting, carry, circumstances, compliance, condition, creates, dearly, deepest, deliver, demonstrated, diminished, dramatically, element, empathycourteous, errorpre-judging, events, exchange, experiencing, external, feel, forget, game, help, human, identify, individuals, intense, job, judgement, leaders, leadership, loss, medical, office, others, people, performance, point, poor, powercoerciverecklessnessat, pressure, preventable, productive, raise, really, record, relationships, repair, respond, responses, saying, self-defeating, self-examination, shadow, situations, sources, stakes, stress, studies, successful, teams, things, think, triggers, trust, truthabsence, unintentional, unproductive, wellbeing, winningReflection Exercise
Since conversations consume so much of our time, it’s worth trying to improve them. The leader’s perception of how a conversation has gone can be quite different from others who are also in the conversation.
addressing, answer, committed, consume, contributing, conversation, decision-making, decisions, dialogue, different, download, evaluate, everyone, exchange, exercise, follow, gone, group, help, houston, identify, important, improve, influenced, issues, key, leader, link, listed, others, outcome, participating, perception, powerful, practices, profitable, quality, questions, quite, reflection, specifically, staying, topic, worth