Catherine Thomson of The Houston Exchange is a licensed practitioner with EBW Global. In this workshop, she will be using the EBW Global Emotional Intelligence System, a unique assessment and development tool. Based on over 20 years of research and worldwide use, it enables individuals and teams to understand why they behave the way they do and to use a 10-step framework to help to improve operational performance.
Powerful Profitable Conversations in Action in the Transport Sector
The client had set an ambitious strategic agenda, and it was clear that they needed to shift from an operationally focused organisation into one which was absolutely customer-focused. The strategic goals placed significant emphasis on improved performance, improved quality of service, increased customer satisfaction and revenue growth.
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Never more than now has the spotlight been played so brightly on the effectiveness of Boards. So, what do you need to do to ensure that your board is performing to the best of its ability? Most boards regularly revisit systems and processes of governance. Don’t waste all your efforts here. That’s not what makes the real difference.
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