Catherine Thomson of The Houston Exchange is a licensed practitioner with EBW Global. In this workshop, she will be using the EBW Global Emotional Intelligence System, a unique assessment and development tool. Based on over 20 years of research and worldwide use, it enables individuals and teams to understand why they behave the way they do and to use a 10-step framework to help to improve operational performance.
Team Development
Most business conversations are nowhere near as powerful or directed as they need to be. As a result, issues get swept under the carpet or otherwise glossed over and not dealt with.
automatically, behavioural, beyond, boards, business, challenge, change, constituencies, contribute, conversations, decision, description, dynamics, enable, engage, expect, explore, fail, fall, founded, generated, help, improving, issues, kantor, leader, leadership, linked, matters, people, performance, process, profile, quality, really, recognise, respond, skill, speak, specific, start, strategic, structural, talking, teams, true, truly, understand, voice, workKantor Behaviour Profile (Baseline)
Using the Kantor Behavioural Profile (baseline) as part of a group/team intervention supports a whole systems approach to enabling individuals within an organisation to understand the contribution they make to the system and what needs to change.
agree, authentic, baseline, behavioural, business, change, collaborative, communication, complete, conversations, create, david, developed, discover, domain, dr, engage, expression, goal, group, helps, impact, individuals, institute, interact, issues, kantor, leaders, learn, organisations, others, patterns, people, potential, profile, propensities, raising, real, really, room, session, shared, strategic, surface, system, taking, team, tendencies, understanding, workThe Opposite of Warmth is not Efficiency
When I work with leaders at all levels in organisations I am reminded frequently of how easy it is for leaders to create the results they do not want. The myths of what makes a great leader are constantly being rewritten.
ability, around, awareness, behaviour, challenge, change, communication, concerns, connect, conversation, create, decision, develop, engage, going, group, happens, heart, help, ideas, impact, knowing, leaders, leadership, learn, manage, observed, organisation, others, patterns, people, potential, profile, quartile, real, really, research, respect, results, room, self, shift, team, tendencies, terms, trust, understand, warmth, work, workplace