The client had set an ambitious strategic agenda, and it was clear that they needed to shift from an operationally focused organisation into one which was absolutely customer-focused. The strategic goals placed significant emphasis on improved performance, improved quality of service, increased customer satisfaction and revenue growth.
Powerful Profitable Conversations in Action in the Housing Sector
To Undertake a 360 Feedback Exercise on Climate and Leadership Behaviour and then Design,, Build and Implement a Leadership Development Programme for Top 30 Leaders.
amongst, areas, behaviour, business, climate, community, contributed, conversations, creating, current, decision, development, dynamic, exercise, exposed, feedback, happened, helped, highlighted, housing, individual, inspection, issues, leaders, leadership, looked, making, management, mock, model, operational, organisation, people, performance, poor, power, process, programme, quality, report, situation, staff, strengths, structure, supported, system, team, trust, weak, workThe Cost of Doing Nothing
Most executives know instinctively that leadership behaviour has an impact on the productivity, engagement and wellbeing of their employees most business conversations are nowhere near as powerful or directed as they need to be.
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