We set up a 360-degree survey measuring Team Climate and Leadership Styles (based on research by the Korn Ferry Institute) for the CEO, Executive Team and the remaining leaders/managers in the organisation (30 in total). We wanted to better understand the team climate.
Team Development
Most business conversations are nowhere near as powerful or directed as they need to be. As a result, issues get swept under the carpet or otherwise glossed over and not dealt with.
automatically, behavioural, beyond, boards, business, challenge, change, constituencies, contribute, conversations, decision, description, dynamics, enable, engage, expect, explore, fail, fall, founded, generated, help, improving, issues, kantor, leader, leadership, linked, matters, people, performance, process, profile, quality, really, recognise, respond, skill, speak, specific, start, strategic, structural, talking, teams, true, truly, understand, voice, workPsychological Safety – Moving to the Learning Zone
Amy Edmondson, a professor at Harvard Business School, first identified the concept of psychological safety in work teams in 1999. Since then, she has observed how companies with a trusting workplace perform better. She states that psychological safety isn’t about being nice; it’s about giving candid feedback, openly admitting mistakes, and learning from each other.
action, agreement, amy, becomes, behaviours, bystand, choose, contract, conversation, create, curiosity, demonstrated, edmondson, enable, everyone, executive, exist, experience, feedback, follow, frame, happening, help, ideas, leaders, learning, listen, matrix, model, observed, openly, oppose, organisation, others, participate, prepared, psychological, respect, room, safety, session, speak, stances, teams, training, voice, work, workplace, workshopPowerful Profitable Conversations in Action
What do you see in organisation where the climate is unhealthy, morale and motivation is low, senior leaders are behaving out of integrity and operational performance is poor. Typically, communication is affected in the following ways:
approach, assessment, business, challenge, change, coaching, communication, conversations, courage, creating, david, decision, developing, differences, disagreements, dynamics, enable, focuses, individuals, intervention, issues, kantor, leaders, leadership, making, matter, model, organisation, otherwise, outside, people, powerful, real, really, recognises, room, shape, silence, skills, speak, structural, systems, team, thereby, understand, used, value, voice, ways, work