We believe that every conversation in the organisation is an opportunity to lead. In recognition of the significance of leadership conversations, all our coaches are accredited to work with the theories and tools of Structural Dynamics; a theory of face-to-face communication pioneered by Dr David Kantor.
The Cost of Doing Nothing
Most executives know instinctively that leadership behaviour has an impact on the productivity, engagement and wellbeing of their employees most business conversations are nowhere near as powerful or directed as they need to be.
able, achieving, address, behaviour, business, catherine, challenge, change, clients, coachee, communication, contribute, conversations, create, dealt, delighted, dialogue, divisive, dramatically, dynamic, effectively, enabling, end, energy, engaged, everyone, exchange, executive, expected, face, fail, goals, groups, help, honesty, houston, impact, improving, increased, individual, individuals, intervene, issues, leadership, learners, learning, levels, link, moving, negatively, opportunities, organisations, patterns, people, performance, podcast, politeness, powerful, productivity, profitable, provides, quality, raise, real, really, relationship, resolution, respect, respond, result, saying, significant, spot, start, strategic, structural, structure, stuck, takes, talk, teams, terms, towards, trainees, trainer, trust, undermine, understand, unique, unseen, view, work‘How to use Structural Dynamics to have great conversations’- a podcast created with John Tomlison for Trainer Tools
The Houston Exchange are delighted to be invited to create this podcast with John Tomlison of Trainer Tools. The interview with Catherine Thomson of the Houston Exchange provides a unique perspective on how Structural Dynamic, a theory of face to face communication, can raise the quality of the conversations you have with coaching clients and trainees to significantly improve the learning experience.
achieving, behaviour, catherine, challenge, clients, coachee, communication, conversations, create, delighted, dialogue, dynamic, effectively, exchange, expected, face, goals, groups, honesty, houston, impact, increased, individuals, intervene, issues, learners, learning, moving, negatively, patterns, podcast, politeness, provides, quality, raise, real, relationship, resolution, respect, saying, spot, structural, stuck, talk, towards, trainees, trainer, unique, view, work