We set up a 360-degree survey measuring Team Climate and Leadership Styles (based on research by the Korn Ferry Institute) for the CEO, Executive Team and the remaining leaders/managers in the organisation (30 in total). We wanted to better understand the team climate.
Powerful Profitable Conversations in Action in the Housing Sector
To Undertake a 360 Feedback Exercise on Climate and Leadership Behaviour and then Design,, Build and Implement a Leadership Development Programme for Top 30 Leaders.
amongst, areas, behaviour, business, climate, community, contributed, conversations, creating, current, decision, development, dynamic, exercise, exposed, feedback, happened, helped, highlighted, housing, individual, inspection, issues, leaders, leadership, looked, making, management, mock, model, operational, organisation, people, performance, poor, power, process, programme, quality, report, situation, staff, strengths, structure, supported, system, team, trust, weak, workTeam Development
Most business conversations are nowhere near as powerful or directed as they need to be. As a result, issues get swept under the carpet or otherwise glossed over and not dealt with.
automatically, behavioural, beyond, boards, business, challenge, change, constituencies, contribute, conversations, decision, description, dynamics, enable, engage, expect, explore, fail, fall, founded, generated, help, improving, issues, kantor, leader, leadership, linked, matters, people, performance, process, profile, quality, really, recognise, respond, skill, speak, specific, start, strategic, structural, talking, teams, true, truly, understand, voice, workStep up to a Real Conversation
I am passionate about changing the nature of conversations in organisations. I want to help leaders to have powerful conversations that lead to sustained changes in their behaviour to create engaged teams while at the same time link this to operational profit.
behaviour, case, changes, climate, communication, competency, contribute, conversations, data, david, development, economic, ei, else, emotional, engaged, exists, failure, found, gallup, hay, help, http, human, influence, intelligence, leaders, leadership, organisations, patterns, performer, quality, reality, relationship, repertoire, report, research, rooted, stances, stuck, style, surveys, team, temperament, tightly, value, variance, words, work5 Critical Things That Coaches and Leaders Can Do to Make Every Coaching Conversation Count
In a previous life when I was designing HR people processes, a key component of most Performance Development Processes (PD) was to have regular coaching conversations throughout the operational year. Leaders and their staff agreed that this leadership activity was essential. So, no conflict there! When I created a new PD process, my practice was to check in with users in the organisation what was working and what was problematic as the process was rolled out.
activity, agreed, along, benefits, cancel, challenges, change, check, clear, climate, coaching, component, concerning, conflict, conversations, count, creates, critical, element, explore, expressed, feedback, feeling, fudge, gone, hearing, holding, important, included, inquiry, irrespective, judgements, keep, language, leaders, leadership, learn, meaningful, meeting, member, motivations, notice, operate, opportunity, organisation, overcome, pd, performance, person, practice, process, promises, provide, quality, re-schedule, rushed, safe, sense, sessions, simple, size, someone, staff, standards, start, stop, support, talk, things, throughout, tick, type, typical, unspoken, working