The Chief Executive wanted to harness the collective capability of his senior leadership team to lead and embed the changes within the organisation. Read more to see what the challenges being experienced in the organisation included.
Case Study – Leadership Delivered
We believe that every conversation in the organisation is an opportunity to lead. In recognition of the significance of leadership conversations, all our coaches are accredited to work with the theories and tools of Structural Dynamics; a theory of face-to-face communication pioneered by Dr David Kantor.
achieving, aligned, approach, behaviours, believe, bring, business, capabilities, challenge, change, client, coaching, conversations, created, deliver, delivery, design, development, difference, engagement, focus, highly, identify, impact, investment, key, leadership, learners, learning, life, measure, mindsets, model, option, organisation, performance, practice, programme, reflect, results, return, roi, skills, support, sustained, track, trust, underpinned, work, workplaceNorthern Lighthouse Board Leadership Development
“Today we had the final workshop of a year-long Leadership Development Programme for our Senior team. Thanks to Catherine and Arlene from the Houston Exchange for guiding us so well – we have learnt a great deal” – Mike Bullock, Chief Executive
arlene, behaviours, building, business, capability, catherine, challenges, changes, chief, climate, coaching, continue, conversations, create, deal, deliver, departments, desire, development, difference, divider, effective, element, empowered, enable, ensure, exchange, focus, focused, following, help, houston, identified, improvement, include, key, leaders, leadership, learning, level, management, measuring, meeting, members, needs, nlb, objectives, ongoing, opportunities, organisation, outcomes, performance, process, programme, quality, real, recognising, relation, response, resulting, role, senior, share, silos, solid, staff, strategic, style, success, supported, sustainable, team, tracking, ways, workingWorking with the Shadow Side of Leadership
When under constant pressure to deliver, achieve more with less, and carry the can when things go wrong, it is easy to forget the intense pressure leaders are experiencing today. This is costing organisations dearly in financial and human terms and it’s not sustainable. In fact, recent studies tell us that up to 75% of office workers are struggling to be productive. If that were a medical condition, it would be classed as an epidemic. […]
act, affected, behaviour, believe, better, boosting, carry, circumstances, compliance, condition, creates, dearly, deepest, deliver, demonstrated, diminished, dramatically, element, empathycourteous, errorpre-judging, events, exchange, experiencing, external, feel, forget, game, help, human, identify, individuals, intense, job, judgement, leaders, leadership, loss, medical, office, others, people, performance, point, poor, powercoerciverecklessnessat, pressure, preventable, productive, raise, really, record, relationships, repair, respond, responses, saying, self-defeating, self-examination, shadow, situations, sources, stakes, stress, studies, successful, teams, things, think, triggers, trust, truthabsence, unintentional, unproductive, wellbeing, winningLeadership Delivered
Are you one of the 4 out of 5 managers who believe that developing appropriate leadership and management styles is the main challenge facing your organisation?
appropriate, award, believe, challenge, change, check, conversation, curious, currently, deliver, developing, difference, facing, help, improve, infographic, leadership, looking, love, main, managers, meantime, minutes, organisation, please, pproach, programme, questions, read, really, standards, styles, winning