We believe that Leadership more than anything else sets the tone for the organisation. A Leaders gift is the ability to deliberately model trust, confidence, compassion and integrity. Leaders are judged on how well they communicate, influence, develop strategy, make difficult decisions and inspire others
Powerful Profitable Conversations in Action in the Transport Sector
The client had set an ambitious strategic agenda, and it was clear that they needed to shift from an operationally focused organisation into one which was absolutely customer-focused. The strategic goals placed significant emphasis on improved performance, improved quality of service, increased customer satisfaction and revenue growth.
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We believe that every conversation in the organisation is an opportunity to lead. In recognition of the significance of leadership conversations, all our coaches are accredited to work with the theories and tools of Structural Dynamics; a theory of face-to-face communication pioneered by Dr David Kantor.
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Never more than now has the spotlight been played so brightly on the effectiveness of Boards. So, what do you need to do to ensure that your board is performing to the best of its ability? Most boards regularly revisit systems and processes of governance. Don’t waste all your efforts here. That’s not what makes the real difference.
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‘Noise’ no longer refers just to sound, but to the general distractions that make our lives chaotic and stressful. We’re constantly busy, but are we effective? We’ve mastered multi-tasking, but do we really get more done in half the time? Communication is something we believe we’re experts at. Maybe in terms of personal broadcasting, we have. But the victim in all of this is our ability to truly listen.
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