To Undertake a 360 Feedback Exercise on Climate and Leadership Behaviour and then Design,, Build and Implement a Leadership Development Programme for Top 30 Leaders.
Team Development
Most business conversations are nowhere near as powerful or directed as they need to be. As a result, issues get swept under the carpet or otherwise glossed over and not dealt with.
automatically, behavioural, beyond, boards, business, challenge, change, constituencies, contribute, conversations, decision, description, dynamics, enable, engage, expect, explore, fail, fall, founded, generated, help, improving, issues, kantor, leader, leadership, linked, matters, people, performance, process, profile, quality, really, recognise, respond, skill, speak, specific, start, strategic, structural, talking, teams, true, truly, understand, voice, workKantor Behaviour Profile (Baseline)
Using the Kantor Behavioural Profile (baseline) as part of a group/team intervention supports a whole systems approach to enabling individuals within an organisation to understand the contribution they make to the system and what needs to change.
agree, authentic, baseline, behavioural, business, change, collaborative, communication, complete, conversations, create, david, developed, discover, domain, dr, engage, expression, goal, group, helps, impact, individuals, institute, interact, issues, kantor, leaders, learn, organisations, others, patterns, people, potential, profile, propensities, raising, real, really, room, session, shared, strategic, surface, system, taking, team, tendencies, understanding, workPowerful Profitable Conversations in Action
What do you see in organisation where the climate is unhealthy, morale and motivation is low, senior leaders are behaving out of integrity and operational performance is poor. Typically, communication is affected in the following ways:
approach, assessment, business, challenge, change, coaching, communication, conversations, courage, creating, david, decision, developing, differences, disagreements, dynamics, enable, focuses, individuals, intervention, issues, kantor, leaders, leadership, making, matter, model, organisation, otherwise, outside, people, powerful, real, really, recognises, room, shape, silence, skills, speak, structural, systems, team, thereby, understand, used, value, voice, ways, workReflection Exercise
Since conversations consume so much of our time, it’s worth trying to improve them. The leader’s perception of how a conversation has gone can be quite different from others who are also in the conversation.
addressing, answer, committed, consume, contributing, conversation, decision-making, decisions, dialogue, different, download, evaluate, everyone, exchange, exercise, follow, gone, group, help, houston, identify, important, improve, influenced, issues, key, leader, link, listed, others, outcome, participating, perception, powerful, practices, profitable, quality, questions, quite, reflection, specifically, staying, topic, worth