To Undertake a 360 Feedback Exercise on Climate and Leadership Behaviour and then Design,, Build and Implement a Leadership Development Programme for Top 30 Leaders.
Leadership Agility (with emphasis on team)
We believe that with the guidance of top executives, agile leaders can be developed internally. By identifying and developing high-potential talent, your business can improve its ability to deliver strategic priorities. Having an agile leader on the team takes the company from good to great. Your leaders are focused, confident and driven to lead.
action, agility, assessment, behaviours, better, bility, business, change, complex, conditions, context, create, creative, development, effective, environment, executives, expecting, experiment, feedback, generated, identify, improve, initiatives, insights, lead, leaders, leadership, level, managers, needs, novel, objectives, organisation, performance, priorities, process, rapid, report, senior, stakeholder, step, strategic, takes, talent, team, tool, understand, undertake, viewTeam Development
Most business conversations are nowhere near as powerful or directed as they need to be. As a result, issues get swept under the carpet or otherwise glossed over and not dealt with.
automatically, behavioural, beyond, boards, business, challenge, change, constituencies, contribute, conversations, decision, description, dynamics, enable, engage, expect, explore, fail, fall, founded, generated, help, improving, issues, kantor, leader, leadership, linked, matters, people, performance, process, profile, quality, really, recognise, respond, skill, speak, specific, start, strategic, structural, talking, teams, true, truly, understand, voice, workKantor Behaviour Profile (Baseline)
Using the Kantor Behavioural Profile (baseline) as part of a group/team intervention supports a whole systems approach to enabling individuals within an organisation to understand the contribution they make to the system and what needs to change.
agree, authentic, baseline, behavioural, business, change, collaborative, communication, complete, conversations, create, david, developed, discover, domain, dr, engage, expression, goal, group, helps, impact, individuals, institute, interact, issues, kantor, leaders, learn, organisations, others, patterns, people, potential, profile, propensities, raising, real, really, room, session, shared, strategic, surface, system, taking, team, tendencies, understanding, workBehaviours 360
The Behaviours 360 questionnaire provides individuals, groups and organisations with the opportunity to receive behavioural feedback on leadership and behavioural competencies. It can be used ‘off the shelf’ for immediate deployment or it can be easily configured to incorporate an organisation’s specific client competencies and behavioural indicators.
action, adapted, administrators, allows, already, appealing, assessment, behaviours, bespoke, clear, competencies, concise, configured, conversations, customisation, deployment, design, development, developmental, easily, efficient, ensuring, facilitate, feedback, flexibility, group, hub, incorporate, indicators, individuals, levels, manner, meet, opportunity, organisation, participants, precise, presented, processes, questionnaire, raters, receive, reports, simply, specific, strong, team, understand, user-friendly, users