We believe that Leadership more than anything else sets the tone for the organisation. A Leaders gift is the ability to deliberately model trust, confidence, compassion and integrity. Leaders are judged on how well they communicate, influence, develop strategy, make difficult decisions and inspire others
Boardroom Dialogue
Never more than now has the spotlight been played so brightly on the effectiveness of Boards. So, what do you need to do to ensure that your board is performing to the best of its ability? Most boards regularly revisit systems and processes of governance. Don’t waste all your efforts here. That’s not what makes the real difference.
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We use the Leadership Agility Accelerator™ and the Leadership Agility 360 ™ tools which are based on research undertaken by Bill Joiner and Stephen Josephs resulting in their award-winning book, Leadership Agility.
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The role of a Leadership today is viewed very differently compared to a generation ago. In the last 20 years a new way of looking at leadership has emerged which views leadership as much more complex. However, irrespective of how operating environments have changed, I still see leaders behaving in ways today that are similar to how I was managed (good and bad) and it makes me wonder about what those great managers/leaders did, and would they still be effective today.
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When I work with leaders at all levels in organisations I am reminded frequently of how easy it is for leaders to create the results they do not want. The myths of what makes a great leader are constantly being rewritten.
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