Amy Edmondson, a professor at Harvard Business School, first identified the concept of psychological safety in work teams in 1999. Since then, she has observed how companies with a trusting workplace perform better. She states that psychological safety isn’t about being nice; it’s about giving candid feedback, openly admitting mistakes, and learning from each other.
The Opposite of Warmth is not Efficiency
When I work with leaders at all levels in organisations I am reminded frequently of how easy it is for leaders to create the results they do not want. The myths of what makes a great leader are constantly being rewritten.
ability, around, awareness, behaviour, challenge, change, communication, concerns, connect, conversation, create, decision, develop, engage, going, group, happens, heart, help, ideas, impact, knowing, leaders, leadership, learn, manage, observed, organisation, others, patterns, people, potential, profile, quartile, real, really, research, respect, results, room, self, shift, team, tendencies, terms, trust, understand, warmth, work, workplaceReflection Exercise
Since conversations consume so much of our time, it’s worth trying to improve them. The leader’s perception of how a conversation has gone can be quite different from others who are also in the conversation.
addressing, answer, committed, consume, contributing, conversation, decision-making, decisions, dialogue, different, download, evaluate, everyone, exchange, exercise, follow, gone, group, help, houston, identify, important, improve, influenced, issues, key, leader, link, listed, others, outcome, participating, perception, powerful, practices, profitable, quality, questions, quite, reflection, specifically, staying, topic, worthLet’s Invite the Elephant in the Room into the Conversation
The Elephant in the Room is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth or problem that is going unaddressed, that no one wants to discuss. It is applicable when a subject is emotionally charged and the people who might have spoken up decide that it is probably best avoided.
addresses, affect, avoids, begin, best, bring, communication, contributes, conversation, courage, discuss, dynamics, elephant, enables, everyone, face, feeling, gets, going, important, insights, issue, kantor, lead, level, listed, needed, outcome, people, person, powerful, preoccupied, quality, questions, really, recognises, reflect, response, risks, room, saying, situation, start, subject, test, theory, thinking, unaddressed, voicing, wantsLeadership Delivered
Are you one of the 4 out of 5 managers who believe that developing appropriate leadership and management styles is the main challenge facing your organisation?
appropriate, award, believe, challenge, change, check, conversation, curious, currently, deliver, developing, difference, facing, help, improve, infographic, leadership, looking, love, main, managers, meantime, minutes, organisation, please, pproach, programme, questions, read, really, standards, styles, winning