The Chief Executive wanted to harness the collective capability of his senior leadership team to lead and embed the changes within the organisation. Read more to see what the challenges being experienced in the organisation included.
Northern Lighthouse Board Leadership Development
“Today we had the final workshop of a year-long Leadership Development Programme for our Senior team. Thanks to Catherine and Arlene from the Houston Exchange for guiding us so well – we have learnt a great deal” – Mike Bullock, Chief Executive
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The Leadership Agility Accelerator is a tool that has been developed to help leaders select and work on specific leadership practices that will take your agility to a new level. So how does this tool help executives, leaders and managers deliver for today and safeguard tomorrow? Understanding what level of leadership you demonstrate, versus what is required of you in your role is a great starting point.
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The Elephant in the Room is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth or problem that is going unaddressed, that no one wants to discuss. It is applicable when a subject is emotionally charged and the people who might have spoken up decide that it is probably best avoided.
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